Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The world is becoming dormant ,procrastnating is evil wrapping all the world in his trap,from the toddler to school boy all have developed this incorrigible habit of getting late,passing the buck, the problem i m discussing might seen trifling but it is battering the country.from a school boy getting late in the school to cwg work ,nobody is on the time everybody is in this country become lethargic .It become cult in indian culture so way should i go on the time that was become my idiosyncracy .I also start following this norm but one day my perception changes when i came to know about ELATTUVALAPIL SREEDHARAN better know as metro man of INDIA.When i have glimpse on his photograph i saw a frail man but when i started reading about him i was just flabbergausted that such type of man really exist in this world .I imagine them in utopia .now i would tell u why i m eulogizing this man .he was born in kerala in 1932 ,civil engineer by profession he was appointed in indian railways.It was around 1963 that ther was gigantic tides in the coastal region of tamil nadu .The whole state inundate ,roads r tattered the main city rameshwarem is curtain from tamil nadu by this catastrophe .The main pamban bridge which connect rameshwaram to main land is shattered the estimated time to complete this bridge is 6 month.the whole responsibility is in the sreetharan hand his boss reduced the time to 3 months .And the project of repairing the bridge is given in the hand of sreedharan and due to his diligent he completed his work in just 46 days that was a miracle in this lethargic world.His other works to be adulated r konkan railways and who forget metro he made the reverie of metro true.and all the works r on the time .By seeing his diligency he got the phase 2 of delhi under his belt.
Really hats off to this metro man who has changed my perception...now i will be on the time everywhere.?

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