Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Some day, when your spirits are low,
you fear, you’ll loose all your glow,
someday when you feel surrounded by swarm,
when none’s with you, the Sun’s no more warm.

Some day, when your companions desert you alone,
The mouths those praised you, now just moan,
When your ebullient eyes, tend to loose their sheen,
When the courage to hang-on, feels so lean.

When your truth goes unheard , in the echoes of lies,
When your breath gets heavy, your heart just cries,
When pain gets unbearable, and all hope dies,
When you struggle to cope, and the time just flies.

When all your efforts end in vain,
When the whole world’s after you, like turned insane,
When the pillars of faith, fall like leaves,
When all your strength disappear, as in sieves.

In such hour of gloom,
Don’t loose sight of your aim,
When feeling dejected,
just call my name.

I’ll appear besides you, holding your hand,
No matter how far, I be on land,
There ‘ll be me, standing by your truth,
when all others utter lie,
And this is my promise, come what may,
I’ll never, never let you Cry…

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