Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Some day, when your spirits are low,
you fear, you’ll loose all your glow,
someday when you feel surrounded by swarm,
when none’s with you, the Sun’s no more warm.

Some day, when your companions desert you alone,
The mouths those praised you, now just moan,
When your ebullient eyes, tend to loose their sheen,
When the courage to hang-on, feels so lean.

When your truth goes unheard , in the echoes of lies,
When your breath gets heavy, your heart just cries,
When pain gets unbearable, and all hope dies,
When you struggle to cope, and the time just flies.

When all your efforts end in vain,
When the whole world’s after you, like turned insane,
When the pillars of faith, fall like leaves,
When all your strength disappear, as in sieves.

In such hour of gloom,
Don’t loose sight of your aim,
When feeling dejected,
just call my name.

I’ll appear besides you, holding your hand,
No matter how far, I be on land,
There ‘ll be me, standing by your truth,
when all others utter lie,
And this is my promise, come what may,
I’ll never, never let you Cry…

Monday, July 4, 2011


Friends, sure we have tonnes when we go on our space at those networking sites, people around us, people, sharing those passions, commenting on youtube, fighting out with all guns blazing with people who may take more than a life time to meet, or simply " M 21 smart, Working in MNC, open minded looking for like minded girls", dropping a "Hi gorgeous" on evry third profile they visit. In the plethora of these sites my cranbox is often flummoxed ! How much can i believe a Net "friend" yeah we hear that XYZ had a torrid affair with a net friend and finally they make it to the hall of fame of but most people end up getting kicked on their asses and like the brave rana of ranthambore they are willing take on as it comes. So where is the good 'ol friend especially when "testimonial" suddenly become yardstick for things, and scrapbook size the quotient of "uber coolness". Did i hear " he was kicked on by a gal recently"? well may be may be not dont we all upgrade that average built to a "sculpted abs" scenario and wishing casanovas never existed anywhere else but within the confines of that "average built". But i aint here to talk about this but ( i am sure you will find this hilarious) the dating scenario in my college tucked well inside a place in called Kanpur,India. Already engineering has a " lot" to offer to the non males in engineering stream so we have a group of despos chasing the other " me a one man thing" sighing whether that one man would even bother to look down on 'em. But as the situation goes two neatly divided rows constitute the classroom, with 40 odd eyes gawking at 4-5 pairs of( ahem!) as if the apple of temptation is meant for 'em. So the first year people are willing to be counselled by their second year "frusto" counterparts who are now expert for the hunt of Holy Grail. So fighting out for that seat next to "non male" in lab becomes a priority for few while majority sits eying the "geese" fuming on those eyeing the lab seat. Now begins teh role of social sites and "friends" Orkut rocks, no mortal in engineering college who was previously unaware about it has eluded its charm. So search parties raid the site to find the last dangling reference to salvation. With "maal" already weeded out the targets are set hopes high. Excuse me what was that on status tag, jesus christ not the "C" word, -committed or commitophobia for our Sati savitris is the tag to flaunt, tag to go out with their "bhaiyas", yes people are willing to barter souls for that, anything for the Grail as they say! So the first year ends crashing hopes of the "silent majority" cursing, repairing armour after that "fell flat on face" attempt to talk, or adding a zing in their "profile" made by vociferous attempts to make their profiles match the intersts, did she stay she lives in "lucknow", arrey my train passes that station, change belongs to " coach no 6 lucknow platform". gosh! and this aint the story of a batch like an infinite loop the story goes on and gets classy with each passing year...........................

Sunday, July 3, 2011


She looks like snow white
But she sometimes get tight (angry)                 
She is very cute, her nature is winsome
But she sometimes acts like a firing gun.

I am a diehard fan of her ravishing blush
But she always tell me to hush (shut up)
Her nature is gregarious but, I do not know her passion
“WHY LIFE ALWAYS TEACH ME A LESSON” is her favourite quotation

She thinks me as a nerd
Because sometime I talk absurd
But still she listens to all my words
She is simply is the best that what I hear from a little bird.

Her talks are like fondled silk
Oh my holy lord she hates milk
She is the topper in class
But she always cries for marks

She sometimes slipped into the reverie of skydiving and bungee jumping
By hearing my heart goes on high pumping
“Boy are treacherous” her favourite line
I wish she would be mine
Do not think wrong the above line is just to get poem in rhyme
 Sweet, lovely, cute girl wins the heart of all
She justifies her name PURE SOUL.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Wasim Akram – an international face, is not just a recognition he has achieved but a phenomenon envied by many. The journey started from the narrow streets of Mozzang, Lahore has taken him to be the bowling Coach forKolkata Knight Riders; and he has gathered a loyal fan following on the way.
The Sultan of Swing is not only a bowling guru to many youngsters today but an incredibly strong individual too. He was diagnosed with diabetes at the peak of his career and chose to turn it into a source of inspiration to other diabetics around the world. He is the official face of Accu-Check Performa by Roche and works to spread awareness about diabetes, its cure and preventive measures.
In his county cricket experience as the opening bowler for Lancashire’s County Cricket Club, the local British fans were so proud of his association with the club that they even had a song for him, ‘Wasim for England’. A lot of Pakistani cricketers were and are associated with different cricket counties in England but it seems that the lady luck had a softer corner for our very own King of Swing.
He was popular in all the land that played cricket and the legend of Wasim Akram, an international face raised even high after his retirement when he became increasingly popular in the media; first with his cricket commentaries, his presence as guest judge in sport-related reality shows and most importantly, his induction in the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame in September 2009.
In addition to Accu-Check Performa, his brand ambassadorship for Mobilink and Lifebuoy has greatly increased his international recognition. His association as a bowling coach for Shah Rukh Khan’sKolkata Knight Riders, an Indian Premier League franchise, also added to his international fan following.
Like his lethal inswinging yorkers, his popularity as an international icon fills his loyal fans with a pride that borders to a sense of personal accomplishment. That, ladies and gentleman, is the Power of the Sultan.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coldplay Talk

It begins as a simple day, the usual humdrums of your daily life, and then as if someone had conspired surreptitiously for the moment to happen, you see something you hadn’t seen for years together, a song being played somewhere, a high five or knuckles thumping to that sudden unannounced entry that is strikingly similar to something or someone. I know that pit in the stomach at that time, that feeling of colour flushing from the face, and eerie sort of feeling at first as you turn back those pages in memory, bursting into weak smiles and yes then there you go, your steering wheel, the office table, that dumb printer( reckon printers and steering go for insurance cover) wondering if that moment never happened or just cussing yourself for being so lame at times and even irresponsible! So where do you start from. Ah! That innocuous smile!

Stage I

Have seen it start at both ways most originate from that single almost nondescript encounter, and yeah! For some, a bang( I wonder how do they turn it that way) it may have had been for that fresher’s party or the usual bird watching or even that lab session for an impromptu conversation about the impending assignment, and yes for some a bang! From that going all outs to propose( always asking to become a friend of some kind, and yes its lame) to that mis(sed)understanding, the squabbling after that( is usually a dead end) and yes for the record it’s not about those I made it moments it’s those moments when you flustered at the mere sight knew nothing as it was your first and yeah! Blew it!!!!! But that first stuck and hell yes it went like a stake across your heart. That bolstering by your friends ( and how you wished to kick your ass after that) that palpitation of hands, an hour before the mirror and ( you are making your own list now) and for the silent admirers, goodness done it all, for ‘em. Finding out the timetable to the lists of favourites yet keeping it under wraps ( only for that damn beer session) you adore, you blush, you go out of all ways for that glimpse, trying to make your you go unnoticed, mustering every last bit of strength to go to talk only stopping dead in the middle of tracks,( damn the professor, your batchmate to her friend) some other day and a quick exit. And yes you get to talk to her one day, it may have had been just a laconic reply but that was world, to that little victory lap on the way back to hostel, to the samba dance once she is out of sight you remember it all, smiling all the way………………

Stage II

“Sorry not interested’ to peals of laughter( how much do you wish to run away) and even as your heart sears you stand there to hear that, and yes my friend girls talk about it later, and yes they make fun of it the same way you friends do when you tell your plight ,and your gloom sinks between those schadenfreude remarks. And in moments of solidarity those ahh!-s as you fizz out like a steam engine while on the other hand it’s party time for the friend in the next room, the girl just talked ( and if you tell this ever, I bet it’ll be only you who would remember that she had asked for the lab readings, upto 3 decimal places) and now that preparing before hand to even reading topics beforehand( your percentage dips on the contrary that’s the Catch-22 situation), so you contrive to create those encounters on a more frequent basis and yes its beautiful……….

Stage III ( discretion advised)

Its bad! And that’s the reason for that fist banging. You saw the girl out with that moron sitting on the last bench to where did he come from, nah! It must be just a friend, and then you see more and you see more of them (why are you following them everywhere) as you wave back to her because she has seen you (finally!) and yeah you sneer seeing her smile, bursting into giggles every now and then. And you howl in your room fella! And you let out those curses so loud that the entire block knows about it. Seen myriad cases of guys walking in mess, shoulders drooping, head lying low, that façade you try to carry and now everyone knows that another man is down in the battle of sexes. And the bang guys end it in bang to that vexing ( this is what the girls feel dude! Me totally on your side) presence to those requests to mellow down, to yes ( why do you do it man) that burst of expletives. And you look for catharsis in some form or the other and you get mean dude! Doing the most reproachable things, any piece of figment becomes possible as your friends traduce about the girl. What is the duration of this well a couple of weeks and then a couple of drinks after you see the girl hanging out with that !**@@@***! And here goes out what all happens, you talk to her friends, try to send favorable reviews across the other side, to that threatening to the guy to receiving them……..
Yeah that’s the unabridged story of How I Went through the first two months in my college, still good when you talk about it with peers on that Friday night hangout…. And( I may sound a bit avuncular but I’ll take this chance) talk to her again I know you would do that little victory lap again or feel those hots again…. (turn 18 for a few moments)………. Carpe Diem!

And yes Happy Friendship day (start like that maybe


The world is becoming dormant ,procrastnating is evil wrapping all the world in his trap,from the toddler to school boy all have developed this incorrigible habit of getting late,passing the buck, the problem i m discussing might seen trifling but it is battering the country.from a school boy getting late in the school to cwg work ,nobody is on the time everybody is in this country become lethargic .It become cult in indian culture so way should i go on the time that was become my idiosyncracy .I also start following this norm but one day my perception changes when i came to know about ELATTUVALAPIL SREEDHARAN better know as metro man of INDIA.When i have glimpse on his photograph i saw a frail man but when i started reading about him i was just flabbergausted that such type of man really exist in this world .I imagine them in utopia .now i would tell u why i m eulogizing this man .he was born in kerala in 1932 ,civil engineer by profession he was appointed in indian railways.It was around 1963 that ther was gigantic tides in the coastal region of tamil nadu .The whole state inundate ,roads r tattered the main city rameshwarem is curtain from tamil nadu by this catastrophe .The main pamban bridge which connect rameshwaram to main land is shattered the estimated time to complete this bridge is 6 month.the whole responsibility is in the sreetharan hand his boss reduced the time to 3 months .And the project of repairing the bridge is given in the hand of sreedharan and due to his diligent he completed his work in just 46 days that was a miracle in this lethargic world.His other works to be adulated r konkan railways and who forget metro he made the reverie of metro true.and all the works r on the time .By seeing his diligency he got the phase 2 of delhi under his belt.
Really hats off to this metro man who has changed my i will be on the time everywhere.?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

- Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption

November 9,1989-Somewhere In Palestine

The warden darted into the cell, bows knitted, beads of perspiration clearly visible, it was rather unusual for him to be there yet the onus of responsibility of this task the deportation of this inmate was no ordinary moment, for the watershed moment of the career sat there in a tattered camisole, offering prayer in cell number 18. The frail, pale looking prisoner, with sunken eyes was no ordinary catch, the Fuhrer of Germany had hailed this as the single most important moment since the victory of Third Reich in the Second World War. The Americans acquiesced to this development as an important step to “universal purging”. Sanguine crowds from Japan to Italy were gathering to mark this moment. what was supposed to a mere pilferage, snow balled into into the discovery of the last echelon of Jewish resistance. The rabid Jews were to be eliminated in what would become a towering edifice of Fuhrer’s determination. Sources close to the Fuhrer described how Fuhrer felt an infusion of life hearing the news, The Vatican hailed it as a miracle, and yet the whole world seemed to be limited to the four walls for Jehovah. The “Great Extermination” was to have a fitting end. After decades of weeding, and several years of guerilla war, all seemed to come to an end. The warden shrugged as he entered the cells. This was his destiny; his limelight moment. The warden had handpicked the guards and had chosen to personally escort to the scaffold. as the crowds sat baying for blood, few chose to ponder on the futility of the exercise(promptly arrested next day), most harangued on how elders of Zion plotted to poison wells. some choose to meekly point out the loss of a provenance of fine music, literature, academia(promptly executed) most chose to vilify how Jews were insidiously controlling business, outlets of public opinion, and so did people in confabs( what is history, alas! a fable agreed upon) wondering how how treacherous would have had existence become had Jews survived, sniggered at the Allied suicide at Normandy, count merits of eliminating invalids, advocating the merit of eliminating debauchery practiced under the veil of homosexuality. and as they sat glued to their TV sets waiting for the swastika encrusted vehicle to arrive at what was once believed to be a Wailing Wall. The SS had made elaborate plans to lend the moment historical credulity. and yet warden shivered for what lay in store, one night, one night had changed it all, he reflected at his over zealously guarded secret, his act of sacrilege, marrying a Jew, and then abandoning her. And today, his son stood in front of him, as the warden tried to conceal his tears. It had to done today, he concluded, the planning was right, the men were trust worthy handpicked having impeccable credentials and owing allegiance to him. The point had to be the bridge over the creek, the warden would free the Jehovah and the vehicle would skid over the bridge to fall into creek, the warden thought as he gazed into hopeless eyes of Jehovah.

The convoy left for the SS outpost where Jehovah was to be handed over to SS, things had to move fast, everything had to fall in place, for the SS would leave no stone unturned. the warden had to devise a perfect alibi, give his own life to give Jehovah life .the creek was now a mile away, when the helicopter hovering above noticed a glitch, and before they could make out or even jehovah could construe the tumultuous developments, the van plunged into the creek. Jehovah without handcuffs froze for a moment,almost dumbfounded,suddenly the warden’s cry rang into his ears,” Run son,................. RUN” the warden gave out a vehement cry, as Jehovah found himself running into forest with no idea what lay ahead, and the last words almost made him stop “tell your mother.... ....i loved her, much that i never married any one else”............................. and then a loud bang silenced it all…………..

Hitler died that night.

PS: The story is set in a world where Nazis won the second world war, Holocaust is called the Great extermination, the Date november 9 marks the fall of berlin wall in our world..... just in case u missed the context... as many did